Chapter 3. USING AGCat
Restoring Text
You can choose to restore the text in a selected field, or the entire text of a record, to its most recently saved version. You may also use the Undo function to undo previously performed actions.
To restore a field:
- Position the cursor in the field you wish to restore.
- Select Restore Current Field from the Edit menu, or click the
Restore the
Current Field button
in the Toolbar.
- The selected field is restored to its most recently saved condition.
NOTE: If the text of the field has not changed since the record was last saved, the Restore Current Field command is unavailable.
To restore the entire record:
- Select Restore the Record from the Edit menu, or click the
Restore the
Record button
in the Toolbar.
- A confirmation dialog displays the message "Are you sure you want to restore the original record?".
- Click the Yes button to restore the entire record to its most recently
saved condition. (Click the No button to cancel the restore request and return
to the currently active record.)
- The record is restored to its most recently saved condition.
NOTE: If the text of the record has not changed since the record was last saved, the Restore the Record command is unavailable.
- The record is restored to its most recently saved condition.
To "undo" a prior action:
- Select Undo from the Edit menu, or click the Undo button
in the Toolbar.
- The most recently performed action is "undone".
NOTE: Selecting Undo repeatedly will continue to "undo" prior actions in the reverse order in which they were performed.
- The most recently performed action is "undone".