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Chapter 3. SEARCHING



About Advanced Search

Advanced Search lets you create "search queries" using the logical (Boolean) functions 'And', 'Or', and 'Not', with up to three keyword combinations, across multiple search headings. You can use Advanced Search to locate materials by author, title, subject, notes, or all four headings, based on the keyword(s) you enter and the logical operators you select. Multiple keywords can be entered into any text box, in any order. The system assumes the logical operator 'And' for multiple keywords in any given text box.

You can also search for titles using any of the standard numbers that uniquely identify a publication, such as the International Standard Book Number (ISBN), International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), Library of Congress Catalog Number (LCCN), or System Number. If your library has set the authorization, you may also be able to search for titles using several of the numbering systems in use by the United States Government Printing Office.

The functions of the logical (Boolean) operators are:

And - This function retrieves all occurrences of 1st Term And 2nd term. For example, to locate materials about psychiatry written by Sigmund Freud, you would enter <Subject> psychiatry - And - <Author> sigmund freud.

Or - This function retrieves all occurrences of 1st Term Or 2nd term. For example, to locate materials about China or Japan, you would enter <Subject> china - Or - <Subject> japan.

Not - This function is used to exclude a term from a search; 1st Term Not 2nd term. For example, to locate books with Dracula in the title, but not written by Bram Stoker, you would enter <Title> dracula - Not - <Author> bram stoker.

Advanced Search is the most powerful search function that the system offers, but using it does require planning in advance. To obtain the best results, the Boolean operators (and their associated keyword combinations) in your search query must be organized in the proper sequence. In most cases, this sequence is Or - And - Not. For example, if you want to find all the materials written by Ray Bradbury about Mars or Martians, other than The Martian Chronicles, you might organize your search query as:

<Title> Mars or Martian - And - <Author> Ray Bradbury - Not - <Title> Chronicles