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Creating ILL Requests from a List

The Your Lists feature lets you create ILL requests from titles saved to a list. Each submitted request is subject to the Network Handling specifications and ILL Request Limits defined for your library.

NOTE: The ability to create ILL Requests from a list is available only if your library has enabled the functionality.

To create an ILL request from a list:

  1. Open the list containing the title(s) for which you wish to submit an ILL request (see Viewing and Managing Lists for details).
  2. Click the Request button for the title for which you wish to submit an ILL request.
    • The ILL Request Form displays. The system uses the material type for the title to determine whether a Loan or Copy request will be submitted for the title.
  3. Enter the required information in the ILL Request Form (see ILL Request Form Fields for more information).

    NOTE: Fields identified with a red asterisk must be filled in. All other fields are optional.

    NOTE: In cases where a Copy request will be submitted, and your library has enabled the “Copyright Confirmation” feature, a “Copyright Confirmation” message displays. You must acknowledge (accept) the Copyright Statement when submitting your request. Click the Yes button on the “Copyright Confirmation” message to accept the Copyright Statement and continue with the request. Click the Cancel button on the “Copyright Confirmation” message to cancel the request.

  4. Click the Submit button to submit the ILL request.
    • An ILL Request Confirmation screen displays summarizing your request, and indicating that your request has been accepted by the system.
    • Click the OK button to close the ILL Request confirmation and return to the Your Lists screen.
  5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 to submit ILL Requests for additional titles from the currently active list.