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ILL Request Limits

Your library may set a limit on the number of ILL requests you can submit during a given time period. You can view your ILL Request Limits using the Items from Other Libraries feature available through Your Account. ILL Request Limits lets you view the number of requests you have submitted during the current time period, and the number of additional requests you can submit during the time period.

To view ILL Request Limits:

Items from Other Libraries Screen

Items from Other Libraries Screen

Request Statuses that Count Towards ILL Request Limits

Request Status

Displays in “Items From

Other Libraries”

Counts Toward ILL

Request Limit

Accepted Renewal Yes Yes
Awaiting Approval Yes Yes
Awaiting Lenders No No
Cancel Shipped Request Yes Yes
Cancelled Yes No
Complete Yes No
Expired Yes No
ILL Review Yes Yes
Lost No No
Not Received Yes Yes
Not Received Overdue Yes Yes
Overdue Yes Yes
Passed to Local System Yes No
Pending Yes Yes
Pending Cancel Yes Yes
Recalled Yes Yes
Received Yes Yes
Rejected Renewal Yes Yes
Renew Pending Yes Yes
Retry Yes Yes
Returned No No
Shipped Yes Yes
Unfilled Yes No
Will Supply/In Process Yes Yes
Conditional Yes Yes
ILL Review Awaiting Lenders No No
Scheduled for Deletion Varies No