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Chapter 3. SEARCHING



Using Search Qualifiers

When you use Advanced Search, the system searches the entire database(s) you have selected for matching items. Qualifiers let you narrow the scope of your search to a selected subset of libraries within your consortium or collective, and/or allow you to limit search results to items available in a specified media, form, language and/or publication date. You can use multiple Qualifiers on any Advanced Search. Qualifiers are shown in the Filters section of the Advanced Search screen.

NOTE: In general, Search Qualifiers are not available for Quick Search. However, you can use the Your Preferences function (see Your Preferences for details) to enable the Libraries (Scoping in) qualifier for all searches.

NOTE: All Search Qualifiers are applied to your library’s Union catalog and Z39.50 databases only (see Using Search Qualifiers with Z39.50 Databases for details). These Qualifiers do not affect any other selected database.

NOTE: The Search Qualifiers available to you, and the means by which they are selected, depend on the configuration of the Advanced Search screen for your system.

To clear all currently selected search Qualifiers:

NOTE: The Reset function will clear ALL search terms and ALL search qualifiers.