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Viewing a “Message of the Day”

The “Message of the Day” feature allows Auto-Graphics to provide messages to library staff and/or library patrons related to software updates, system downtime or other general information. There are two types of messages; “Require Acknowledgement” and “Information Only.”

To view a “Require Acknowledgement” message:

“Require Acknowledgement” messages are displayed automatically when you log into the system. Click the OK button at the bottom of the message to acknowledge your receipt and complete your login.

Typical Message of the Day

Typical “Message of the Day”

To view an “Information Only” message:

“Information Only” messages are accessed through the Your Notifications list. The list can contain messages you have read, and messages you have not read. The Notifications icon Notifications Icon indicates the number of unread messages in the menu.

Your Notifications

Your Notifications

  1. Click the Notifications icon Notifications Icon to open the Your Notifications list.
  2. Click the message you wish to view.
    • The selected message displays.
  3. Click the OK button to close the message.

NOTE: Messages remain in the Your Notifications list until they are expired by the system. If there are no active messages in the Your Alerts list, the message “There are no notifications at this time” is shown.