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Adding a Valid IP Range

You can use the Add function from the Search IP Ranges screen to define a valid IP range for any library in your consortium or collective.

To add a valid IP range:

  1. On the Search IP Ranges screen, click the Add button.
    • The Define Valid IP Ranges screen displays in an additional browser window.

Define Valid IP Ranges Screen

Define Valid IP Ranges Screen

  1. Enter a name to identify the IP address range in the Location Name text box.
    • The Location Name may include both alphabetic and numeric characters. The Location Name may be a maximum of 50 characters in length, including spaces.
  2. Enter the desired IP address (or address range) in the Starting IP Address and Ending IP Address text boxes.
    • To enter an IP address range, enter the desired starting IP address in the Starting IP Address text boxes; enter the desired ending IP address in the Ending IP Address text boxes.

      NOTE: The Ending IP Address must be greater than the Starting IP Address. You may use only the third and fourth bytes of the IP Addresses to specify an IP address range; e.g., to

    • To enter a single IP address, enter the desired address in the Starting IP Address text box.
  3. Enter the library code with which the IP address range is associated in the Library Code text box. You may enter a single library code only.
  4. If you wish the IP range to be associated with a specific user, enter the user’s barcode in the User Barcode text box. You may enter a single user barcode only.
    • If desired, you may use the Lookup feature to locate the desired user’s barcode (see Using User Barcode Lookup for details).
  5. Click the Submit button to add the specified IP address(es) to the list of valid IP ranges for your library.
    • The Define Valid IP Ranges screen closes automatically, and the Search IP Ranges screen refreshes to display the added IP range.

      NOTE: If you enter improperly formatted or invalid information, or if you omit mandatory information, an error dialog displays, identifying the error. Click the OK button to close the message, and re-enter the information, as appropriate.

  6. Repeat steps 1 through 6 to add additional IP addresses.