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Configuring User Registration Duplicate Checking

The User Registration Duplicate Checking function aids in minimizing the occurrence of creating more than one user record for a given patron. When a user record is saved, the system compares new (and, optionally, edited) user records against all records in the user database to identify selected duplicate fields (username/barcode, patron name, address, birth date, and/or contact information). In the event duplicate values are detected between the added/edited record and any other existing record in the user database, notification is provided to permit staff to determine the proper disposition for the new/edited record.

To configure User Registration Duplicate Checking:

  1. From the User Admin menu, select User Registration Duplicate Checking.
    • The User Registration Duplicate Checking Configuration screen displays.

User Registration Dupicate Checking Configuration Screen

User Registration Dupicate Checking Configuration Screen

  1. Select the Enable Registration Dup. Checking radio button to enable registration duplication detection functionality.
    • Select the Disable Registration Dup. Checking radio button to disable registration duplication detection functionality.
  2. Use the When to Check radio buttons to specify when registration duplication detection should be performed.
    • Select the New Users Only radio button to perform registration duplication detection only when adding new users.
    • Select the New Users and Edit Users radio button to perform registration duplication detection when adding new users or editing existing users.
  3. Use the Compare User Edit or Add User to existing user records by checking the following fields checkboxes to select the specific field(s) to be checked for duplicate entries. You can check for duplicates by Username / Barcode, Name (First, Middle, Last), Phone numbers (all), Email Address, Street Address and/or Birth Date.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated field in the User Record will be checked for duplicates.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated field in the User Record will not be checked for duplicates.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

    NOTE: When duplicate checking by Birth Date is enabled, records with duplicate birthdates are identified only when at least one additional selected duplicate field is identified in the records. When the Birth Date checkbox is selected, you must select at least one other field for inclusion in duplicate checking.

  4. When all desired parameters have been selected, click the Submit button to save your changes.
    • The message “The settings above have been saved” displays at the bottom of the screen.

    NOTE: If the Enable Registration Dup. Checking radio button is selected, and you have not selected at least one Compare User Edit or Add User to existing user records by checking the following fields checkbox, the message “Please select at least one check box above” displays at the bottom of the screen. Repeat step 4 to select the desired fields for comparison, then click the Submit button to save your changes.

    NOTE: If the Birth Date checkbox is selected and no other Compare User Edit or Add User to existing user records by checking the following fields checkbox has been selected, the message “Please select at least one check box in addition to Birth Date” displays at the bottom of the screen. Repeat step 4 to select the desired fields for comparison, then click the Submit button to save your changes.