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Chapter 7. CLAIMING



Reviewing Claims

The Review Claims function lets you review eligible claims prior to their approval and the generation of claiming letters. You may also choose to delete claims from the extracted claims list so that claim notices are not generated for the associated items.

The Review Claims screen displays immediately following the extraction process (see Extracting Claims for details). Previously extracted claims can also be viewed using the Review Claims function.

To review claims:

  1. From the Acquisitions menu, select Claiming - Review Claims.
    • The Review Claims screen displays.

Review Claims Screen

Review Claims Screen

  1. By default, the system inserts a Description of “Not all copies received.” If desired, you can edit the claim to change the description:
    • Click the Edit link for the claim for which you wish to change the Description.
      • The Edit Claimed Reason screen displays in an additional browser window.

Edit Claim Reason Screen

Edit Claim Reason Screen

  1. If desired, you can Delete (remove) items from the claims extract so that claim letters for the items are not printed when the Print Claim Letters option is selected:
    • Use the Delete checkboxes to select the items you wish removed from the claims extract.
      • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated item will be removed from the claims extract.
      • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated item will not be removed from the claims extract.
      • Clicking a checkbox will toggle it on and off.
    • When all desired items have been selected for removal, click the Submit button.
      • The Review Claims screen refreshes with the selected items removed from the list.
  2. Once extracted claims have been edited or deleted, you can print claim letters for the remaining items in the extract (see Printing Claim Letters for details).