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Borrower's ILL Status Definitions - Borrower Rejected Renewal



Result if No
Action is Taken

Rejected Renewal

Lender denies renewal of loan. You may respond to a Rejected Renewal request by selecting one of the following options from the Status menu:

  • Returned – This option indicates you have shipped the borrowed material back to the lender institution.

    • Selecting this option sets lender’s status for the ILL request to Returned.

  • Renewal – This option indicates you are requesting an extension of the loan of the borrowed material.

    • Selecting this option sets lender’s status for the ILL request to Renew Pending.

  • Lost – This option indicates the patron who borrowed the material has reported the material as lost.

    • Selecting this option sets lender’s status for the ILL request to Lost.

    NOTE: Depending on the standard practices and procedures for your consortium, it may be necessary to contact the lender to aid in determining the actual physical status of the associated item before designating the item as Lost.

Midnight Processing moves request to Overdue after Days to Return has passed.