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Browsing By Title

You can browse a list of all active and completed ILL requests submitted by your library as a borrower, using the title of the material requested as the search criteria.

To view the Title List:

  1. From the ILL Admin menu (see The ILL Admin Menu for details), select Borrower - Title Browse.
    • The Borrower’s Title Browse screen displays.

Borrower’s Title Browse Screen

Borrower’s Title Browse Screen

  1. If desired, you can reconfigure, sort and filter table content (see the System Basics User Guide for details).
  2. Use the browse bar tools to browse the list:
    • Use the Pages menu to scroll to a selected page of the list.
    • Use the “titles per page” menu to specify the number of titles shown on each page of the list; 25, 50, 100 or 250.
    • If the list is more than one page long, use the Previous Page button Previous Page Button and Next Page button Next Page Button to scroll the list one page at a time. Use the First Page button First Page Button and Last Page button Last Page Button to scroll to the first or last page of the list, respectively.

To browse ILL requests by title:

  1. From the Borrower’s Title Browse screen, enter the title of the requested item in the Title text box.
    • When browsing by title, the system reads the title as a string of characters (rather than as separate words), reading each character from left to right.
    • You may enter either a partial or complete title as the search criteria.
  2. The list updates as you type to display only those titles that match your search term. The first occurrence of the title appears as the first entry in the list.

To view the Full Record Display for an ILL request: