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Determining and Tracking Copyright Compliance

Once a Non-Returnable (copy) request is submitted, the system adds the appropriate copyright compliance (ccg or ccl) to the Copyright field based on the date included in the Article Information section of the request. Requests for copies from a monograph will have the copyright compliance of ccl.

The system tracks only those requests with a ccg indication (requests with the ccl indication are not included in the copyright compliance reports). To determine the CONTU status for each title, the system counts requests that have been submitted but not yet filled (i.e., Pending, Will Supply, Retry, etc.) and requests that have been filled as Non-Returnable (copy) requests (i.e., Received) to determine whether a library has reached or exceeded the “Guideline of Five.” If the lender changes the Request Type from Non-Returnable (copy) to Returnable (loan) and the item is received, it is considered “not filled” for the copyright compliance report.

NOTE: Requests that have not been filled (i.e., Unfilled) are not included in the count.

For requests in Awaiting Approval status, staff can change the Copyright Compliance value, if necessary, and edit other fields of the request. For example, staff may choose to change ccg to ccl if the library has entered a subscription to the title but hasn’t received the requested issue in which the article appears or will order the title from a commercial document delivery supplier.

If staff approves requests from a Status Browse list screen using the Apply This Status to All Titles on This Page menu, a warning message displays if one or more requests exceed the CONTU Guidelines. Staff must access the Full Record Display for such requests and update the requests on a case-by-case basis.

For libraries that have enabled “unmediated” patron ILL or have given Automatic Approval and Approve a Request permissions to selected patrons, Non-Returnable (copy) requests generated by those individuals are sent directly to the lender, and thus the copyright compliance value cannot be changed. If a patron with Automatic Approval and Approve a Request permissions submits one or more requests that exceed the CONTU Guidelines, the request(s) will be placed in Awaiting Approval for staff review.