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Rebuilding a Lender List

Requests with a status of Awaiting Approval, Cancelled, Expired, Retry or Unfilled may include a Rebuild Lender List button. The Rebuild Lender List function allows library staff to use the existing source record for an ILL Request to rebuild the Lender List and automatically resubmit the ILL Request.

When the Lender List is rebuilt, it may be unchanged from the original Lender List, or:

NOTE: The Rebuild Lender List function is available ONLY on requests created from a source record using the ILL Request Form. The Rebuild Lender List function IS NOT available for requests created using the Blank Request Form.

To rebuild a Lender List:

  1. Access the Full Record Display for the desired request.
  2. Click the Rebuild Lender List button.
    • If the Need By date for the request is within 30 days of the current calendar date, an advisory dialog displays the message “Need by date (date) is within 30 days.”
      • Click the OK button on the advisory dialog to continue without changing the Need By date. Proceed to step 3.
      • Click the Cancel button on the advisory dialog to return to the Full Record Display. Change the Need By date, as desired, then click the Rebuild Lender List button. Proceed to step 3.
    • If the Need By date for the request has expired, an advisory dialog displays the message “Need by date (date) has passed.”
      • Click the OK button on the advisory dialog to return to the Full Record Display. Change the Need By date, as desired, then click the Rebuild Lender List button. Proceed to step 3.
  3. A confirmation dialog displays the message “Are you sure you want to Rebuild the Lender List?”
    • Click the OK button on the confirmation dialog to proceed. (Click the Cancel button to cancel the rebuild process.)
  4. The request is placed in Awaiting Lenders status while the Lender List is rebuilt. When the rebuild process is complete:
    • If the Automatic Approval permission is granted to your user account, the request is placed in Pending status for the first library in the rebuilt Lender List.
    • If the Automatic Approval permission is not granted to your user account, the request is placed in Awaiting Approval status for approval.