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Viewing ILL Request History

The system generates a history record for each ILL request. The history record lets you view the progress of the ILL request from the time the request was created until the material has been returned to the lender.

To view History notes:

In cases where an ILL request is sent to a library that is currently “on holiday,” History Information includes the message “Lender (library code) closed – skipped. Try again after (date library returns from holiday – e.g., September 25, 2021).”

Some of the history notes are taken directly from incoming error reports sent by the ISO trading partner or reports generated by the SHAREit ISO Protocol Manager. Typically, the note begins with “ERROR” and then conveys the reason. Although it is not possible to provide an exhaustive list of the messages, the following illustrate the range of types of messages received from an external ISO partner:

If you need help in understanding the specific text in the History Notes, contact the Auto-Graphics Help Desk.