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Resolving Rejected Records

If the Circulation Backup Report indicates rejected items, you must resolve the rejected items, and manually enter the correct transactions using the Circulation module (see the Circulation User Guide for details). The following suggestions may be helpful in resolving rejected records.

To resolve rejected "check out" transactions:

Check out transactions are rejected due to the entry of either an invalid patron barcode or an invalid item barcode (or both) during checkout. In these events, the checked out items will still appear as "AVAILABLE" in your library's VERSO catalog.

To resolve rejected "check in" transactions:

Check in transactions are rejected only due to the entry of an invalid item barcode. In this event, the checked in items will still appear as "unavailable" in your library's VERSO catalog. If you have retained the physical copies of checked in items in a temporary location, you may be able to inventory the items to resolve any "rejected" check in transactions. Otherwise, it may be difficult or impossible to resolve "rejected" check in transactions.

NOTE: If "rejected" check in transactions are not resolved, they will result in the generation of invalid fines against the associated patron.