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Reviewing Transactions

You can review check out and check in transaction records for errors prior to creating a transaction file for upload and, if necessary, edit certain values (patron barcode, patron name, item barcode) for one or more transactions. You can specify the date range for which you wish to view transactions, and may choose to view check out transactions, check in transaction or both. Additionally, you may select to view only those transactions associated with a specified patron, and may choose to include or exclude "posted" transactions (transactions for which upload files were previously created).

To review logged transactions:

  1. From the Standalone Circulation Module Menu, click the Review/Upload Entries button.
    • The Review Entries window displays.

Review Entries Window

Review Entries Window

  1. Enter your desired Search Criteria:
    • Select the type of transactions you wish to view from the Select Entry Type menu; either Check Ins, Check Outs or All (both check ins and check outs).
    • To view only those transactions associated with a specific patron, enter the patrons barcode in the Patron Barcode text box.

    NOTE: To view transactions for all patrons, leave the Patron Barcode text box blank.

    • Indicate whether or not you wish to include "posted" transactions (transactions for which upload files were previously created) in the search results using the Include Posted checkbox.
    • A checkmark image of selected checkbox indicates the option is selected ("posted" transactions will be included in the search results).
    • An empty checkbox image of unselected checkbox indicates the option is not selected ("posted" transactions will not be included in the search results).
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
    • Enter the starting date of the period for which you wish to view transactions in the Entry Dates - From text box; enter the ending date of the period for which you wish to view transactions in the Entry Dates - To text box.
    • Enter dates using the format MM/DD/YYYY, i.e., "03/10/2001".
    • To view transactions for a single day, enter the same date in both the Entry Dates - From and Entry Dates - To text boxes.

    NOTE: To BE SURE to include the slashes "/" when entering dates. DO NOT include alphabetic characters when entering dates.

  2. When the desired criteria have been entered, click the Search button to submit your search.
    • The Review Entries window refreshes to display the results of your search.

Typical Search Results Display

Typical Search Results Display

  1. If necessary, you may edit the Patron Barcode, Patron Name and/or Item Barcode for any Check Out transaction, or the Item Barcode for any Check In transaction (see Editing Transactions for details).
  2. If desired, you may create an upload file for the displayed transactions (see Creating an Upload File for details).
  3. Click the Done button to close the Review Entries window and return to the Standalone Circulation Module Menu.