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Chapter 3. SEARCHING



Browse Search

Browse lets you locate materials by Item Call Number, based on the term you enter. No matter how many or how few characters you use, you will always get results closest to the term you entered. Browse Search searches your library’s VERSO database only.

Browse differs from Quick Search and Advanced Search in the way the system reads search terms and in the results returned. When using Browse, the system reads your search term as a string of characters (rather than as separate words), reading each character from left to right, to position you in the database closest to what you typed. When the search is completed, the system generates an alphanumerical browse list of index terms, beginning with the term which most closely matches your search term. From the browse list(s), you may choose to view the Title List or Full Record Display, as appropriate, for any listed term.

NOTE: Browse Search is optional, and may not be enabled for all systems.

To perform a Browse Search:

  1. Click the Browse Search icon Browse Search Icon in the page banner.
    • The Browse Search screen displays.

Browse Search Screen

Browse Search Screen

  1. Enter your search term in the “search term” text box.
  2. Choose the index you wish to search from the “index” drop-down menu:

    NOTE: Currently, Browse Search supports searching by Item Call Number only. Additional indexes will be added in future releases.

    • Item Call Number: Lists terms by Item Call Number.
  3. Select the number of records you wish shown on each page of the search results from the Records Per Page drop down menu; 25, 50, 75 or 100.
    • The default selection for Records Per Page is 25.
  4. Click the Browse Search button to submit your search.

    NOTE: If you have not entered a search term, the Browse Search button is disabled. Enter a search term to continue.

    • A Term List displays when the search is completed (see Term List for more information).