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Editing Your Personal Information

You can use the Your Profile function to add, edit or delete personal information (name, address, phone number, etc.) in your user record. You can also change your Password periodically to prevent unauthorized access to your account, or at any time you feel it is no longer secure. You cannot change your Username or Barcode.

NOTE: Depending on the configuration of the system for your library or consortium, some options may not be available.

NOTE: Mandatory (required) fields are indicated by an asterisk “*” following the field name. You MUST provide a value for all mandatory fields. Fields that CAN be edited are indicated by a “solid” underscore. Fields that CANNOT be edited are indicated by a “dotted” underscore.

To edit personal information:

  1. Select Your Settings – Your Profile from the Your Account menu (see Using Your Account for details).
    • The Your Profile screen displays. The screen is pre-filled with the current content from your user record.

Your Profile Screen

Your Profile Screen

  1. If desired, enter a new password in the Password text box.
    • Your Password may be a minimum or 4 characters and a maximum of 20 characters in length, with no spaces. Your Password may have any combination of alphabetic (upper- or lower-case) and numeric characters, and any special characters (such as & * $ # @ , etc.). Your password is not case-sensitive.
  2. If desired, enter or edit your password reminder question in the Reminder Question text box.
  3. If desired, enter or edit the nickname for your account in the Nickname text box.
    • To increase ease of use when logging in, you can use your “nickname” in place of the Username when logging into the system.
  4. Enter or edit your first name, middle initial, and last name in the First Name, Initial and Last Name text boxes.
  5. Enter or edit your mailing address using the Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip and Country text boxes.
  6. Enter or edit your e-mail address and telephone numbers in the Home Phone, E-mail, Work Phone, Mobile Phone and FAX text boxes. Select your mobile provider from the Mobile Provider menu.
  7. Enter or edit your birth date in the Date of Birth text box.
  8. If appropriate, enter or edit any personal identifying number required by your library in the Custom Number text box.
  9. Use the Receive pre-overdue reminder notices menu to indicate whether or not you wish to receive pre-overdue reminder notices. Select Yes or No, as desired.
  10. Click the Save button to save your changes.
    • The confirmation message “Your Profile has been saved” shows briefly at the top of the screen.
    • If you enter an invalid password an advisory message displays below the Password field, the field name is highlighted, and your changes are not saved. Enter a valid password, then click the Save button to save your changes.
    • If you omit information in a mandatory field the field name is highlighted, and your changes are not saved. Be sure values are entered in ALL mandatory fields, then click the Save button to save your changes.
  11. Click the Home button Home button in the banner to return to your library’s “Home” page.