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Adding and Modifying Lists

You can add, modify or delete entries in list fields in the User Record. You can also configure list fields for use in statistics collection.

To add a list entry:

  1. From the Configure User Record screen, click the Edit link for the "list" field to which you wish to add a list entry.
    • The Custom List Items screen for the associated field displays in an additional browser window.

Custom List Items Screen

Custom List Items Screen

  1. Use the Use for statistics collection checkbox to indicate whether or not the list field should be used for statistics collection.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the list field will be used for statistics collection.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the list field will not be used for statistics collection.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

    NOTE: Library defined fields that are configured for statistics collection are applicable to all libraries within a consortium or collective. Once one or more fields are configured for statistics collection, statistics reports may be generated using the Circulation Statistics – Library Defined Patron Stats function available through the Statistics module (see the Statistics User Guide for more information).

  2. Click the New button on the Custom List Items screen.
    • The Add List Entry screen displays in an additional browser window.

Add List Entry Screen

Add List Entry Screen

  1. Enter a name for the new list entry in the Item Display Text text box.

    NOTE: The Item Display Text cannot exceed 50 characters, including spaces.

  2. Use the Default? checkbox to designate the list item as the default selection for the list.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the list item is the default selection for the list.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the list item is not the default selection for the list.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  3. Click the Submit button on the Add List Entry screen to add the new entry to the list.
    • The Add List Entry screen closes automatically, and the Custom List Items screen refreshes to show your changes.
  4. Repeat steps 3 through 6 to add additional entries to the list.
  5. When all desired entries have been added to the list, click the Close button on the Custom List Items screen to return to the Configure User Record screen.

To modify a list entry:

  1. From the Configure User Record screen, click the Edit link for the "list" field for which you wish to edit a list entry.
    • The Custom List Items screen for the associated field displays in an additional browser window.
    • The Custom List Items screen lists all entries currently in the associated "list" field. The notation “Default” is shown next to the currently specified default selection for the list.
  2. Click the Item Display Name for the list entry you wish to modify.
    • The Edit List Entry screen for the selected list entry displays in an additional browser window.
  3. Edit the name for the list entry in the Item Display Text text box.

    NOTE: The Item Display Text cannot exceed 50 characters, including spaces.

  4. If desired, use the Default? checkbox to designate the list item as the default selection for the list.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the list item is the default selection for the list.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the list item is not the default selection for the list.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  5. Click the Submit button on the Edit List Entry screen to save your changes.
    • The Edit List Entry screen closes automatically, and the Custom List Items screen refreshes to show your changes.
  6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 to edit additional entries in the list.
  7. When all desired entries have been edited, click the Close button on the Custom List Items screen to return to the Configure User Record screen.

To delete a list entry:

  1. From the Configure User Record screen, click the Edit link for the "list" field from which you wish to delete a list entry.
    • The Custom List Items screen for the associated field displays in an additional browser window.
    • The Custom List Items screen lists all entries currently in the associated "list" field. The notation “Default” is shown next to the currently specified default selection for the list.
  2. Click the Delete button for the item you wish to delete from the list.
    • A confirmation dialog displays the message “Are you sure you want to delete this record?”
  3. Click the OK button to complete the deletion. (Click the Cancel button to cancel the deletion, and leave the list unchanged.)
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to delete additional entries from the list.
  5. When all desired entries have been deleted from the list, click the Close button on the Custom List Items screen to return to the Configure User Record screen.