Staff Seats Management
The Staff Seats Management function lets you allocate the number of simultaneous staff logins allowed at each library in your consortium or collective.
To access Staff Seats Management:
Select Staff Seats Management from the User Admin menu.
- The Staff Seats Management screen displays.
- The screen shows a listing of all libraries in your consortium or collective.
- Each line in the listing shows the Library ID for the library, and the Current number of simultaneous logins allocated to the library.
- The Total Seats (total number of system-wide simultaneous logins authorized for your consortium or collective) allocated to your consortium or collective and the Total Remaining Seats (the number of seats not yet allocated to individual libraries) are shown at the bottom of the screen.
NOTE: The Total Seats available was established when Staff Login Management functionality was enabled for your consortium or collective.
- Use the Set To text boxes to change the Current number of simultaneous
logins allowed for a given library. Enter the number of seats (simultaneous
logins) you wish to allocate to a library in the associated Set To text box,
then click the Submit button.
- If the total number of seats allocated to all libraries exceed the Total Seats for your consortium or collective, the message “Maximum Login Limit was Exceeded!” displays at the bottom of the screen, and your changes are not saved.