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Chapter 3. USING AGCat



Copying and Pasting Text

To copy and paste selected text:

  1. Position the cursor immediately before the first character of the text you wish to copy.
  2. Click and hold the left-hand mouse button, and drag across the text you wish to copy.
    • Selected text is highlighted.

      NOTE: You can only select text within a single subfield at any given time.

  3. To copy the selected text, select Copy from the Edit menu, or click the Copy button Copy button in the Toolbar.

    NOTE: To cut the selected text from its current location, select Cut from the Edit menu, or click the Cut button Cut button in the Toolbar.

    • The highlighted text is copied to the clipboard.
  4. Position the cursor at the location in which you wish to paste the copied text, either in the current record or in another open record.
  5. Select Paste from the Edit menu, or click the Paste button Paste button in the Toolbar.

To copy and paste an entire field:

  1. Position the cursor in the field you wish to copy.
  2. To copy the field, select Copy from the Edit menu, or click the Copy button Copy button in the Toolbar.

    NOTE: To cut the field from its current location, select Cut from the Edit menu, or click the Cut button Cut button in the Toolbar.

  3. Position the cursor in the field above which you wish to paste the copied field, either in the current record or in another open record.
  4. Select Paste from the Edit menu, or click the Paste button Paste button in the Toolbar.
    • The copied field is pasted in the record above the field in which the cursor was positioned.
    • If you attempt to paste a non-repeatable field into a record where the field currently exists, the Invalid Tag dialog displays the message "Tag (number) is not repeatable!". Select the desired option from those presented:

Invalid Tag Dialog

Invalid Tag Dialog

  • Undo Paste - Cancels the Paste command and leaves the record unchanged.
  • Override validation - Overrides validation for the current Paste command only, and inserts the field into the record.
  • Override all validations - Overrides validation for the current Paste command, and all subsequent validations for the tag.