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Setting Spelling Options

AGCat includes a Spell Checker that lets you check spelling in new and edited records. You can manually invoke the Spell Checker at any time, or you can configure AGCat to automatically check spelling whenever you save a record. You can specify several options related to the way the Spell Checker operates.

To set Download options:

  1. From the Options dialog, click the Spelling tab.
    • The Spelling Options dialog displays.

Spelling Options Dialog

Spelling Options Dialog

  1. If desired, select one or more of the following options using the associated checkboxes:

    NOTE: A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated option is selected. An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated option is not selected. Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

    • Always check spelling before saving - Automatically invokes the Spell Checker whenever the Save As, Quick Save or Save to Database command is selected.
    • Ignore words in UPPERCASE (e.g. ASAP) - Excludes words typed in all uppercase characters from the spell check.
    • Ignore words with numbers (e.g. Win95) - Excludes all words containing numbers from the spell check.
    • Ignore domain names (e.g. - Excludes all domain names from the spell check.
    • Case sensitive - Spell check is case sensitive.
    • Ignore Capitalized words (e.g. Canada) - Excludes all words with an "initial" capital letter from the spell check.
    • Ignore words with mixed case (e.g. SuperBase) - Excludes all words containing both capital and lower-case letters from the spell check.
  2. The Custom dictionary field shows the currently selected dictionary to be used by the Spell Checker. If desired, click the Dictionary button to select a different dictionary.
    • A standard Windows Open dialog displays.
    • Locate and highlight the desired dictionary, then click the Open button. (Click the Cancel button to close the dialog without selecting a new dictionary.)
    • The Open dialog closes automatically and the name of the selected dictionary is shown in the Custom dictionary field.
  3. Select the desired dictionary language from the Dictionary language drop-down menu.
  4. If desired, use the Ignore Fields options to exclude entire fields from the spell check:
    • Use the Less than text box to exclude all fields less than a specified value. For example, to exclude tags 001 through 099 from the spell check, enter "100" in the Less than text box.

      NOTE: You may enter only one tag in the Less than field.

    • Use the Greater than text box to exclude all fields greater than a specified value. For example, to exclude tags 900 through 999 from the spell check, enter "899" in the Greater than text box.

      NOTE: You may enter only one tag in the Greater than field.

    • Use the Equal to text box to exclude one or more selected fields. For example, to exclude tag 100 from the spell check, enter "100" in the Equal to text box.

      NOTE: You may enter one or more tags in the Equal to text box. Multiple tags MUST be separated by either a blank space " ", a colon ":" or a comma ",".

  5. If desired, select the Ignore Holdings checkbox to exclude all HLD tags from the spell check.

    NOTE: A checkmark checkmark indicates all HLD tags will be excluded from the spell check. An empty checkbox checkbox indicates all HLD tags will be included in the spell check. Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

  6. When all desired selections have been made, click the OK button to apply your changes. (Click the Cancel button leave your Spelling options unchanged and close the Options dialog.)