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Setting Download/Save to Cart Options

AGCat lets you save multiple MARC records to a single file on a local workstation or network drive. You can also save records to the Download Cart for your user account for subsequent download. Download options let you set your preferences for saving MARC records to a local workstation or network drive, or to the Download Cart.

To set Download/Save to Cart options:

  1. From the Options dialog, click the Download/Save to Cart tab.
    • The Download/Save to Cart Options dialog displays.

Download Save to Cart Options Dialog

Download/Save to Cart Options Dialog

  1. Specify the appropriate Download Information to be used when downloading records through AGCat.
    • Enter the drive letter and full path to the directory in which you wish to save the MARC records file in the File location text box.

      NOTE: The default File location is "C:\Program Files\Auto-Graphics\AGcat\download".

      • If desired, click the ellipsis button next to the File location text box to browse for a directory; a standard Window Browse dialog displays.
      • Locate and highlight the desired directory, then click the OK button. The drive letter and full path to the directory is entered in the File location text box automatically. (Click the Cancel button to close the Browse dialog without selecting a directory.)
    • Enter the name for the file in the File name text box.

      NOTE: Be sure to include the .mrc extension when specifying the File name. The default File name is "download.mrc".

  2. If you wish to include holdings from the MARC record in the saved file, select the Include Holdings (HLD) as Tag checkbox, and enter the tag in which holdings information should be saved in the associated text box.

    NOTE: A checkmark checkmark indicates holdings data from the MARC record will be included in the saved file. An empty checkbox checkbox indicates holdings data from the MARC record will not be included in the saved file. Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

  3. If you wish to include holdings from the MARC record in the saved file, indicate which holdings information should be saved.
    • To save all holdings information included in the MARC record, select the Select all HLD (holdings) checkbox.

      NOTE: A checkmark checkmark indicates all holdings data from the MARC record will be included in the saved file. An empty checkbox checkbox indicates only specified holdings data from the MARC record will be included in the saved file. Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

    • To save selected holdings information only, make sure the Select all HLD (holdings) checkbox is not selected, then specify the desired criteria for selecting holdings information from the MARC record.

      NOTE: You may select holdings information based on library code, region, or both.

      • To save only those locations for one or more selected library code(s), enter the desired library codes in the Select HLD by Lib Code text box.

        NOTE: You may enter one or more library codes in the Select HLD by Lib Code text box. Multiple library codes must be separated by either a blank space " ", a colon ":" or a comma ",".

      • To save only those locations for one or more selected regions, enter the desired region(s) in the Select HLD by Regions text box.

        NOTE: You may enter one or more regions in the Select HLD by Regions text box. Multiple regions must be separated by either a blank space " ", a colon ":" or a comma ",".

  4. If necessary, you can map the subfield codes contained in the <HLD> tags in the MARC records you wish to save locally to the corresponding codes appropriate to your library.
    • To map a new subfield:
      • Double-click the <new> link in the Mapped Subfields field; the HLD Subfield Mapping dialog displays.

HLD Subfield Mapping Dialog

HLD Subfield Mapping Dialog

  • Enter a subfield code contained in the <HLD> tag of the MARC records you wish to save in the HLD Subfield text box. Enter the appropriate corresponding code in the New Tag Subfield text box.
  • Click the OK button to add this value to the Mapped Subfields field. (Click the Cancel button to cancel the addition and return to the Download/Save to Cart Options dialog.)
  1. When all desired selections have been made, click the OK button to apply your changes. (Click the Cancel button to leave your Download/Save to Cart Options unchanged and close the Options dialog.)