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The Toolbar

Frequently used commands can be initiated by clicking a button in the Toolbar. When you position the mouse pointer over a button in the Toolbar, a popup balloon identifies the name of the button. Additionally, a brief description of the button’s function is displayed in the Status Bar.


Depending on the functions you are performing, some buttons may not be available. "Unavailable" buttons appear dimmed. Functions of the Toolbar buttons are listed and described in the following table.

Toolbar Buttons




New Record button

New Record

Click to display the New Input selection box that lists the available workform formats.

Open button


NOTE: This function is reserved for use by Auto Graphics, and is not enabled.

Create Copy button

Create Copy

Click to create a working copy of the currently active record.

Quick Save button

Quick Save

Click to save changes to an edited record in the workspace only.

Save To Database button

Save to Database

Click to save the active record and update your library’s database.

Save To Cart button

Save to Cart

Click to save the active record to the Download Cart for your user account for subsequent download (see the RESEARCHit CAT Administration User Guide or VERSO CAT Administration User Guide for information on downloading records saved to the Download Cart).

Delete Record button

Delete Record

Click to delete the currently active record from the database for your library or consortium.

Cut button


Click to cut an entire field (or selected text) from the currently active record.

Copy button


Click to copy an entire field (or selected text) from the currently active record.

Paste button


Click to retrieve a field (or selected text) that has been placed on the clipboard (by using the Cut or Copy command) and insert it into the currently active record.

Undo button


Click to cancel (undo) the most recently executed command or action.

Restore the Current Field button

Restore the Current Field

Click to restore the current field to its most recently saved condition.

Restore the Record button

Restore the Record

Click to restore the currently active record to its most recently saved version.

Print button


Click to print the active record.

Insert Field button

Insert Field

Click to insert a blank field above the line where the cursor is located.

Insert Subfield button

Insert Subfield

Click to enter a new subfield code.

Insert HLD button

Insert HLD

Click to insert a "default" HLD tag above the line where the cursor is located.

Insert Contributor Code button

Insert Contributor Code

Click to insert a "default" 091 tag above the line where the cursor is located.

Edit Insert field 007 button

Edit/Insert field 007

Click to insert an 007 tag into a record and specify the tag contents, or edit an 007 tag currently included in a record.

Edit field 008 button

Edit field 008

Click to edit the fixed positional data elements of the 008 field.

Leader button


Click to change record leader information.

Special Character button

Special Character

Click to insert a diacritic, special character or symbol into the body of the record.

Escape Sequence button

Escape Sequence

Click to enter escape sequences in accordance with USMARC Specifications for Record Structure, Character Sets and Exchange Media.

Sort Fields button

Sort Fields

Click to sort all record tags in the currently active record, in numeric order.

Sort HLD button

Sort HLD

Click to sort all <HLD> fields in the record according to the specified normalization routine.

Display by HLD button

Display by HLD

Click to toggle the display position of all <HLD> tags, either to the beginning of the record (before all numeric tags) or to the end of the record (after all numeric tags).

Validate MARC Record button

Validate MARC Record

Click to verify content is present in required fields within the MARC record.

Spelling button


Click to initiate a spell check of the currently active record.

Edit Options button

Edit Options

Click to customize certain operating parameters of AGCat.

Open Help button

Open Help

Click to display information about the software and the software version.

Authorize Current Field button

Authorize Current Field

This function is not currently implemented.

Insert Authority Heading button

Insert Authority Heading

This function is not currently implemented.

Merge Records button

Merge Records

Click to merge the holdings from a selected source record to a selected destination record.