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Creating Copy Cataloging

The Copy Cataloging function lets you use source records retrieved from Z39.50 targets for copy cataloging. The system retains bibliographic content from the source record, and lets you add local location information (call number, barcode, etc.). Cataloging staff can perform copy cataloging for the library under which they logged in. Customer SuperUsers can perform copy cataloging for any library in the system.

NOTE: The Copy Cataloging function is not available for records retrieved from AG databases.

NOTE: The Copy Cataloging function is optional and may not be enabled for all systems.

To create copy cataloging:

  1. Perform a search of one or more Z39.50 targets to locate the record you wish to use for copy cataloging.
  2. Access the Full Record Display for the desired record.
  3. Select Copy Cataloging from the Staff Functions menu (see The Staff Functions Menu for details).
    • The Copy Cataloging panel displays. The panel shows brief bibliographic information (Title, Author, Publisher, publication Date and Format) for the title.

copy cataloging panel select location

Copy Cataloging Panel – Select Location

  • If you accessed the system as Cataloging staff, the “location information” fields display. Proceed to step 6.
  • If you accessed the system as a Customer SuperUser, the Library menu displays. Proceed to step 4.
  1. Select the location for which you wish to perform copy cataloging from the Library menu.
    • The Library menu lists all libraries for your system.

    NOTE: Once you have selected a library for copy cataloging, the selected location remains active for your current login. If you wish to perform copy cataloging for another location, you must log out then log back in to reset your selection.

  2. Click the Select button to continue.
    • The Copy Cataloging Panel Refreshes to display the “location information” fields.

copy cataloging panel location information

Copy Cataloging Panel – Location Information

  1. Enter the call number for the title in the Call Number text box. If necessary, enter the appropriate information in any other text box(es) on the form.
  2. When all desired information has been entered, click the Add button to submit the record.
    • The Copy Cataloging panel closes automatically.
    • The message “Record has been added to main database” shows briefly at the top of the screen.