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Organization of the User Guide

This User Guide is designed to provide an overview of the features and functions of AGent CAT Administration, and includes the detailed procedures to maintain locations for your library within the union catalog. The User Guide is divided into five chapters, as follows:

Chapter 1 – Getting Started. This chapter provides an overview of the features and functions available through CAT Administration, and of the scope and contents of the User Guide.

Chapter 2 – Managing Locations. This chapter provides the procedures to add, modify and delete locations for your library.

Chapter 3 – Working with Records. This chapter provides the procedures to download records from the union database to your computer for local use.

Chapter 4 – Managing Local Cover Images. This chapter provides the procedures to add and delete local cover images.

Chapter 5 – Customer SuperUser. This chapter provides the procedures for using the URL (856) Checker to validate URLs in MARC tag 856 $u for all records in your library’s AGent database(s) and for generating MARC Tag Reports.