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Organization of the User Guide

This User Guide is designed to provide the step-by-step instructions necessary to use RESEARCHit. Procedures are provided to select the desired search database(s), search the selected database(s) using the available search options, and view search results.

Chapter 1 – INTRODUCTION. This chapter provides an overview of the features and functions available through RESEARCHit.

Chapter 2 – GETTING STARTED. This chapter provides the procedures to log into and log off from the system, to set the display language, and to navigate screen using the tab key.

Chapter 3 – SEARCHING. This chapter provides the procedures to select the search database(s), enter search criteria and search the selected database(s).

Chapter 4 – VIEWING SEARCH RESULTS. This chapter provides the procedures for viewing and navigating AGent's search results screens.

Chapter 5 – INTERLIBRARY LOAN. This chapter provides the procedures for requesting Interlibrary Loans, and for tracking in-process loan requests.

Chapter 6 – FOR AUTHENTICATED USERS. This chapter provides instructions for using the features and functions available to users of RESEARCHit systems employing RESEARCHit’s User Authentication module.