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Saving a List (Guest)

If you have a user account for your library, you can save a list created as a guest to your user account. Lists created as a guest that are saved to your user account are assigned a default list name using the current calendar date (e.g., “02/17/2021”). In cases where more than one list is created as a guest on a given date and saved to your user account, subsequent list names are appended with sequence numbers indicating the order in which the lists were created (e.g., “12/17/2021+3”).

To save a list:

  1. With the List Items panel displayed (see Adding Records to a List (Guest) for details), click the Save List button.
    • The Login screen displays.
  2. Login to the system using the Username and Password for your user account (see Logging In for details).
    • The system displays the default opening page for your user account.
    • The message “Guest List Added” displays briefly at the top of the screen, and the list is saved to your user account (see Viewing and Managing Lists (Authenticated Patron) for details).