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Adding Records to a List (Authenticated Patron)

You can add records to a List from a CBB “brief browse” list or a Full Record Display. Additionally, records added to a list may be subsequently deleted from the list.

To add records from a CBB Display:

  1. On a CBB Display (see Using Continuous Brief Browse (CBB) for details) from which you wish to select records, locate the title you wish to add to a list.
  2. Click the Save to Your List icon Save To Your List Icon.
    • The Add to List panel opens.

Add to List Panel

Add to List Panel

  1. Select the list to which you wish to add the title.

    NOTE: The Add to List panel shows all lists created for your user account. If you wish to create a new list into which to add the selected record, enter a name for the list in the Create New List text box, then click the + icon.

    • The Add to List panel closes automatically, and the message “Item added to list” displays briefly at the top of the screen.
  2. Repeat steps 1 through 3 to add additional records from other pages of the CBB Display.
  3. Perform additional searches, as desired, to add additional records to your lists.

To add a record from a Full Record Display:

  1. Access the Full Record Display (see Full Record Display for details) for the record you wish to add to a list.
  2. Click the Add to Your List link.
    • The Add to List panel opens.
  3. Select the list to which you wish to add the title.

    NOTE: The Add to List panel shows all lists created for your user account. If you wish to create a new list into which to add the selected record, enter a name for the list in the Create New List text box, then click the + icon.

    • The Add to List panel closes automatically, and the message “Item added to list” displays briefly at the top of the screen.
  4. Perform additional searches, as desired, to add additional records to your lists.