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Downloading Lists (Authenticated Patron)

You can save a copy of the records from a list to a file on your local workstation. Records can be saved in text format, tab-delimited format, or RIS format (for import into bibliographic software such as Procite, EndNote, Reference Manager or RefWorks). Alternately, selected records can be directly exported to RefWorks running on a local workstation (or to the web-based version of Refworks) or downloaded as a MARC records file. You can choose to save all records, or selected records only.

To download a list:

  1. Open the desired list (see Viewing and Managing Lists (Authenticated Patron) for details).
  2. If desired, change the sort order of the list (see Viewing and Managing Lists (Authenticated Patron) for details).
  3. Use the checkboxes to select the records you wish to save.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the record is selected for save.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the record is not selected for save.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
    • Click the Select / Clear All link to select the checkboxes for all records in the list. (Click the Select / Clear All link again to clear the checkboxes for all records in the list.
  4. Click the Download button.

    NOTE: The Download button is not active until one or more records have been selected.

    • The Select a File Type dialog displays.

Select a File Type Dialog

Select a File Type Dialog

  1. Select the format in which you wish to save the list by selecting the Text File, Tab-Delimited File, RIS Format File, Export for RefWorks or MARC Download radio button, as desired.
  2. Click the Download button on the Select a File Type dialog.
    • A File Download dialog displays.
  3. Select to save the file using the standard procedures for your web browser.