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Viewing the Search Results Screen

The Search Results screen is the initial results display screen shown following any search. The Search Results screen is a multi-page display that shows a list of titles that matched your search criteria. The number of titles returned for a given resource depend on the type of resource being searched; AG databases, or third-party databases (Z39.50 databases, subscription databases, etc.):

Search Results Screen

Search Results Screen

NOTE: Your library may optionally suppress display of eFormat titles retrieved from Z39.50 catalogs in search results. eFormat titles retrieved from Union catalogs or third-party subscription services (such as EBSCO or ProQuest) are always included in search results.

The current page of the search results, the number of titles currently displayed in the list, the total number of titles returned by the search, and your search term are shown at the top of the screen.

The Search Results screen is configured as a “two-pane” display. The right pane shows the Continuous Brief Browse (CBB) list (see Using Continuous Brief Browse (CBB) for details). The left pane contains a “filters” menu that lists several filters (facets) that let you narrow your search results (see Filtering Search Results for details).

NOTE: Depending on the specific configuration of the Search Results screen for your library, some features and functions may not be available.