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System Activities

The System Activities function provides summary information related to a library's RESEARCHit/ SHAREit system for a specified report period. Displayed statistics include login data, search data, ILL request data (for SHAREit systems only) and cataloging data. Additionally, you may choose to download a copy of the statistics report to a local workstation, or send a copy of the statistics report to another user via email.

To view System Activity statistics:

  1. From the Statistics menu (see The Statistics Menu for details), select Database Statistics – System Activities.
    • The Select Report Period screen displays.

System Activities Select Report Period Screen

System Activities Select Report Period Screen

  1. Enter the starting date for the report period in the Start Date text box.
    • Enter the Start Date using the format "mm/dd/yyyy", including slashes.
    • By default, the system enters the current calendar date as the Start Date.
  2. Enter the ending date for the report period in the End Date text box.
    • Enter the End Date using the format "mm/dd/yyyy", including slashes.
    • By default, the system enters the current calendar date as the End Date.
  3. Enter the desired starting time for the report period in the Start Time text box.
    • Enter the Start Time using the format "hh:mm:ss", including colons. Enter the Start Time using "24-hour" clock format.
    • By default, the system enters "00:00:00" as the Start Time.
  4. Enter the desired ending time for the report period in the End Time text box.
    • Enter the End Time using the format "hh:mm:ss", including colons. Enter the End Time using "24-hour" clock format.
    • By default, the system enters "23:59:59" as the End Time.
  5. Select the library for which you wish to view statistics from the Library menu.
    • You may view statistics for All Libraries, or for a single, selected library.
  6. Click the Submit button to submit your report request.
    • The screen refreshes to display System Activity statistics for the requested report period. The report includes the following information:

System Activities Report Screen

System Activities Report Screen

  • The number of logins to the system, by user category (Admin Login (library staff logins), Patron Login and Guest Login); and the total number of logins for all user categories (Login Total).

NOTE: Search statistics are subdivided to show the number of unique search requests submitted, and the total number of searches performed. For example, submitting a Simple Search request with three databases selected would result in a Simple Search Request count of "1", and a Simple Search count of "3".

  • The number of unique search requests submitted, by search type (Simple Search Request, Alpha Search Request, Advanced Search Request and Number Search Request); and the total number of unique searches submitted for all search types (Search Request Total).

    NOTE: A single search request submitted to multiple databases is counted as a unique request. For example, submitting a Simple Search request with three databases selected would result in a Simple Search Request count of "1".

    NOTE: Browse Search functionality is not currently supported by the system. The Alpha Search Request field will show a value of “0.”

  • The number of searches performed, by search type (Simple Search, Alpha Search, Advanced Search, Number Search and Link Search); and the total number of searches performed for all search types (Search Total).

    NOTE: A single search request submitted to multiple databases is counted as multiple searches. For example, submitting a Simple Search request with three databases selected would result in a Simple Search count of "3".

    NOTE: Browse Search functionality is not currently supported by the system. The Alpha Search Request field will show a value of “0.”

  • The number of ILL requests submitted through the system, by request method (ILL Request, ILL Blank Request, Open ILL Request) and the total number of ILL requests submitted for all request methods (ILL Total).

    NOTE: ILL statistics are populated for SHAREit systems only.

  • The number of record download transactions through CAT Administration (Web Cat Downloads), the number of locations (holdings) maintenance activity transactions using CAT Administration or AGCat (Cat Holders Added, Cat Holders Changed, Cat Holders Deleted) and the number of bib record maintenance activity transactions performed using CAT Administration or AGCat (Cat Records Added, Cat Records Changed, Cat Records Deleted); and the total number of all cataloging maintenance transactions (CAT Total).
  1. If desired, click the Save button to save a copy of the System Activities report to a file on a network or local workstation (see Saving the System Activities Report for details).
  2. If desired, click the Email button to email a copy of the System Activities report to yourself or another user (see Emailing the System Activities Report for details).