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Understanding Graphical Statistics Report Parameters

The following paragraphs provide an overview of the function of each report parameter available through the Graphical Statistics Report Setup screen.

Report For: Determines the specific library (or libraries) for which the report will be generated. This field shows the name of the library under which you logged in.

Type of Report: Determines the type of report (Summary Report or Date Report), and includes additional options for generating special reports listing the most frequently entered search terms. The following options are available:

Example of Library Summary

Example of Date Report

Example of Search Term Reports

Start Date / End Date: Determines the time period for which statistics will be presented. The minimum report period is one day.

Content Includes: Determines the specific data contained in the report. The following options are available:

NOTE: Library Summary reports may include multiple selections from the Content Includes options. Date Reports can be requested for a single selection only.

NOTE: Browse Search functionality is not currently supported by the system. The Browse Searches fields will either be blank or show a value of “0.”

Report Format: Determines whether the report will be made available for viewing on the screen (or as a file for download), or will be emailed to a specified recipient. The following options are available: