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Understanding Statistics Report Parameters

Statistics Reports offer a high degree of flexibility in specifying the specific data you wish included in the report. However, certain parameter combinations are not compatible. If a report request containing incompatible parameters is submitted, an error message displays, identifying the incompatibility. Revise your report parameter selections as necessary, and resubmit the report request.

The following paragraphs provide an overview of the function of each report parameter, and identify the compatibility and limitations for each parameter, as appropriate. BE SURE to make compatible selections when specifying statistics report parameters.

Report For: Determines the specific library for which the report will be generated. This field shows the name of the library under which you logged in.

Type of Report: Determines the format and arrangement of the report. You may also generate special reports listing the most frequently entered search terms. The following options are available:

Example of Date Report

Example of Database Report

NOTE: Browse Search functionality is not currently supported by the system. The Browse Searches fields will show a value of “0.”

Example of Search Term Reports

NOTE: Do not select any Content Includes option(s) when requesting a Search Term report.

Start Date / End Date: Determines the time period for which statistics will be presented. The minimum report period is one day.

Content Includes: Determines the specific data contained in the report. The following options are available:

NOTE: Database Report (single/multiple) with Login Data is not allowed.

Example of Login Data

Example of Search Data

NOTE: Browse Search functionality is not currently supported by the system. The Browse Searches fields will show a value of “0.”

Example of Cat Data

Example of ILL Data

Output Report To: Determines whether the report will be made available for viewing on The Screen, or will be saved to A File for Download.

Maximum number of records display per page: Determines the number of lines per page when Output Report To - The Screen is selected.