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Viewing the Summary Report

The Summary Report file contains a separate entry for each library in your consortium or collective, in alphabetic order, by library name. The Date Range field at the top of the report shows the period for which the report was generated. Each entry in the report is comprised of the following data fields:

Library Information Data Fields

Data Field


Library Code

The unique code assigned to the library for which statistics are shown.

Library Name

The name of the library for which statistics are shown.


Borrowing Requests Data Fields

Data Field


Submitted (Returnables)

The number of borrow requests submitted by the associated library to all participant lenders during the report period.

Submitted (Copies)

The number of copy requests submitted by the associated library to all participant lenders during the report period.

Filled (Returnables Shipped)

The number of borrow requests filled by all participant lenders (requests for which the status was updated to Shipped by the participant lender) for the associated library during the report period.

Filled (Copies Shipped)

The number of copy requests filled by all participant lenders (requests for which the status was updated to Shipped by the participant lender) for the associated library during the report period.

Received (Returnables Received)

The number of items received in fulfillment of borrow requests (requests for which the status was updated to Received by the associated library) from all participant lenders during the report period.

Received (Copies Received)

The number of items received in fulfillment of borrow requests (requests for which the status was updated to Received by the associated library) from all participant lenders during the report period.


Lending Requests Data Fields

Data Field


Received (Returnables)

The number of borrow requests received by the associated library from all participant borrowers during the report period.

Received (Copies)

The number of copy requests received by the associated library from all participant borrowers during the report period.

Filled (Returnables Shipped)

The number of borrow requests filled by the associated library (requests for which the status was updated to Shipped by the associated library) for all participant borrowers during the report period.

Filled (Copies Shipped)

The number of copy requests filled by the associated library (requests for which the status was updated to Shipped by the associated library) for all participant borrowers during the report period.

Supplied (Returnables Received)

The number of items supplied in fulfillment of borrow requests (requests for which the status was updated to Received by all participant borrowers) during the report period.

Supplied (Copies Received)

The number of items supplied in fulfillment of copy requests (requests for which the status was updated to Received by all participant borrowers) during the report period.