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Adding a “Block” Code

You can add a new “block” code to your library’s database.

To add a “block” code:

  1. From the User Admin menu, select Maintain RPA Error Codes.
    • The Maintain RPA Error Codes screen displays.

Maintain RPA Error Codes Screen

Maintain RPA Error Codes Screen

  1. Click the Add Code button.
    • The Edit Block Codes screen displays in an additional browser window.

Edit Block Codes Screen

Edit Block Codes Screen

  1. Enter the code you wish to trigger a “patron block” in the Code text box.
  2. Enter the message you wish to be displayed to patrons who are “blocked” from authenticated access to the system as a result of the associated Code in the Message text box.
  3. Select the desired unauthenticated login mode for patrons who are “blocked” from authenticated access to the system as a result of the associated Code from the Mode menu; either Guest or “generic” Patron.
  4. Click the Submit button to add the “block” code to your library’s database. (Click the Cancel button before submitting to cancel the addition.)
    • The Edit Block Codes screen closes automatically, and the Maintain RPA Error Codes screen refreshes to display the added code.
  5. Repeat steps 1 through 6 to add additional codes.