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Maintaining RPA Error Codes

NOTE: This feature is applicable to systems utilizing remote patron authentication based on a Username or Barcode and Password or PIN retrieved from a library’s remote Standard Interchange Protocol (SIP2) user database.

Remote patron authentication in RESEARCHit is accomplished by passing the Username or Barcode and Password or PIN from the login screen, as a query, to a library’s remote Integrated Library System using the Standard Interface Protocol (SIP2). The SIP2 protocol supports the transmission of patron and other circulation data between systems. The RESEARCHit query is used to search the remote ILS user database, and to return the appropriate patron record to RESEARCHit. If the retrieved patron record shows the patron as being “in good standing”, RESEARCHit permits an authenticated login to the system. If the patron record shows the patron as being “blocked” (based on patron codes returned by the remote ILS system), RESEARCHit permits unauthenticated login to the system as either a “generic” patron or as a guest.

NOTE: A copy of each patron record returned by the remote ILS system is also added to your database. In the event the remote ILS database is unavailable, or if the SIP interface is not functioning, the system queries the database for login to the system. The granting or denying of authenticated access is accomplished in a manner similar to that described above.

The Maintain RPA Error Codes function lets you define which patron error codes (returned in the patron record from the remote ILS user database) will result in a patron being “blocked” from authenticated access to the system. You may also provide a text message to be displayed to “blocked” users, and to determine the appropriate unauthenticated access mode for “blocked” users; either Patron or Guest.

NOTE: You must know the specific error codes returned by your library’s ILS in order to use the Maintain RPA Error Codes function.