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Modifying Web HLD Permissions

NOTE: Web HLD Permissions are available only if your library has purchased the optional CAT Administration module.

When you add a new user and assign CAT Staff permissions (see Adding a User for details), the Web HLD Permissions screens display automatically when you submit the new user record. When you click the Web HLD Permissions link on the Edit User Accounts screen (see Editing User Accounts for details), the Web HLD Permissions screen displays.

Web HLD Permissions Screen

Web HLD Permissions Screen

The Web HLD Permissions screen shows the permissions currently granted to the user when performing locations (holdings) maintenance functions using CAT Administration (see the CAT Administration User Guide for details). Web HLD Permissions determine the libraries for which the user can perform locations maintenance (their library only, selected libraries or all libraries).

You may change Web HLD Permissions as desired.

To modify HLD Permissions:

  1. Use the radio buttons to select the permissions you wish to grant to the user.
    • Use the definitions below to determine whether a permission should be granted or denied for a given user.

      NOTE: Depending on the HLD Permissions currently granted to your library (by the Customer SuperUser for your consortium or collective), some permissions may not be available for assignment to library staff members.

    HLD Permissions:

    • Update Any HLD - Can upload added/edited/deleted holdings (locations) information for any library.
    • Update Only My HLD - Can upload added/edited/deleted holdings (locations) information for your library only (for bibliographic records to which your library is the only holder attached).
    • Update List HLD - Can upload added/edited/deleted holdings (locations) information for multiple selected libraries only (for bibliographic records to which one or more of the libraries shown in the Library Codes list are the only holders attached).
    • Cannot Update HLD - Cannot upload added/edited/deleted holdings (locations) information for any library.
  2. If the Update List Bib or Update List HLD option is selected for either the Bib Permissions or HLD Permissions, enter the library codes for which the user may perform database updates in the Library List text box.

    NOTE: If your library has been granted Update Any HLD permissions, the Library List option is available. If your library has been granted Update List HLD permissions, the Library List field is read-only, and contains the library codes for which your library is authorized to perform locations maintenance (as established by the Customer SuperUser for your consortium or collective).

    • Enter the library codes for the libraries for which the user may perform database updates in the Library List text box. Separate multiple library codes with commas. DO NOT use spaces in the Library List.
    • If desired, click the Lookup button to use the Lookup feature to locate the desired Library Codes:
      • The Library Code Lookup screen displays in an additional browser window. This list shows the Library Code and Library Name for all libraries in your consortium or collective.

Library Code Lookup Screen

Library Code Lookup Screen

  • Click the Sort by Library Code button to sort the list alphabetically by library code.
  • Click the Sort by Library Name button to sort the list alphabetically by library name.
  • Click the Library Code for a library you wish to add to the Library List. The selected code is automatically added to the list. Select additional codes as desired.
  • When all desired libraries have been selected, click the Close button to close the Library Code Lookup window and return to the CAT Permissions screen.
  1. When all desired changes to CAT Permissions have been made, click the Submit button to save your changes.