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Adding a User

The types of users you can add and the libraries to which you can add users are determined by your login mode (see Login Modes for more information).

To add a user:

NOTE: Mandatory fields are shown in red type and indicated by an asterisk “*”; all other fields are optional.

NOTE: The content and arrangement of the User Record is customer-selectable (see Configuring the User Record for details). Depending on the specific configuration of the User Record for your library or consortium, some fields may not be available.

  1. From the User Admin menu, select Add a User.
    • The Add a User Account screen displays. The Library field shows the library code for the library to which the new user account will be added.

Add a User Account Screen

Add a User Account Screen

  1. Assign the user to one or more desired user groups using the User Type radio buttons and checkboxes.

    NOTE: You must assign the user to a user type. If you do not assign the user to a User Type, a dialog displays the message “Please select either a Staff or Patron type” when the record is saved. Click the OK button on the dialog to close the message, and select the desired User Type for the user.

    • Select either the Patron or the Staff radio button.
      • Patron – User can access the system as an authenticated library patron (see the Search User Guide for details).
      • Staff – User can access the system as an authenticated staff member, with access to one or more staff modules.

    NOTE: A user can be either a “patron” or a “staff user”. A user cannot be both a “patron” and a “staff user.”

    • For Staff users, use the User Type checkboxes and radio buttons to select one or more staff modes to which the user will be granted access. Descriptions of staff modes are provided below.

      NOTE: If desired, you can use the Clone Staff Permissions function to clone staff modes and permissions from an existing user to a new user (see Cloning Staff Permissions for details).

Staff User Types

Mode Description
CAT Staff User can access all functions within the CAT Administration module (see the CAT Administration User Guide for details).
NOTE: If your library has purchased the optional AGCat module, the user’s AGCat permissions are set to Cannot Update Bib and Cannot Update HLD by default. When you save the record, you are given the opportunity to modify the user’s AGCat permissions (see Modifying Cataloging Permissions for details).
Regional SuperUser User can perform various functions throughout the system for one or more libraries associated with their User Account (When Regional Superuser is selected, user is automatically assigned to the User Administrator User Type when the User Record is saved.)
NOTE: The Regional Superuser User Type is available only when accessing the system as a Customer SuperUser. When you save the record, you are given the opportunity to designate the libraries for which the user can perform Global User Permission Maintenance (see Managing Regional SuperUsers for details).
ILL Staff User can access the ILL Administration module; by default, user is granted all permissions except Cancel/Change request and Patron Request Tracking (see the ILL Administration User Guide for details).
NOTE: When you save the record, you are given the opportunity to grant or deny additional ILL permissions (see Modifying ILL Permissions for details).
PAC Admin If the PAC Admin checkbox is selected, use the Regular Staff and Library SuperUser radio buttons to select the features and functions available to the user:
  • Regular Staff - User can access all standard administrative functions within the PAC Administration module (see the PAC Administration User Guide for details).
  • Library SuperUser – User can access all standard administrative functions within the PAC Administration module, can view the Z39.50 Transaction Error Log (see the PAC Administration User Guide for details), and can configure ILL Pick Lists (see the ILL Administration User Guide for details).

Staff User User can view Database Statistics via the Statistics module. (User must also be assigned to the Statistics User Type.)
Statistics User can access the Statistics module to view Database Statistics (user must also be assigned to the Staff User User Type) and/or ILL Statistics (user must also be assigned to the ILL Staff User Type).
NOTE: Initially, the user is not granted access to any specified statistics report. When you save the record, you are given the opportunity to select the specific statistics reports to which the user will be granted access (see Modifying Statistics Permissions for details).
User Administrator User can access all functions within the User Administration module (see the User Administration User Guide for details).
  • A checkmark checkmark indicates the user is assigned to the associated User Type.
  • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the user is not assigned to the associated User Type.
  • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  1. Enter a name for the new user in the Username or Barcode text box.
    • The Username or Barcode can contain any combination of alphabetic and/or numeric characters, and the underscore character “_”. Do not include spaces in the Username or Barcode.

    NOTE: Each user must be assigned a unique Username or Barcode. If you attempt to add a user with a Username or Barcode that already exists in your library’s user database, the message “This Username has already been used. Please use another.” displays when you save the user record.

  2. Enter a password for the new user in the Password and Confirm Password or PIN text boxes.
    • The Password may have any combination of alphabetic (upper- or lower-case) and numeric characters, and any special characters (such as & * $ # @ , etc.). The Password is not case-sensitive. Do not include spaces in the Password. Enter the password in exactly the same way in both text boxes.

      NOTE: If you do not enter the password identically in both the Password and Confirm Password or PIN text boxes, a dialog displays the message “Passwords do not match. Please reenter.” when the record is saved. Click the OK button on the dialog to close the message, and reenter the password in the Password and Confirm Password or PIN text boxes.

    • If desired, you may enter the default password “USERPASS” or “STAFFPASS”. Upon logging into the system for the first time, the user will be required to provide a permanent password of their own choosing to complete the login process.
  3. If appropriate, enter a reminder question related to the user’s password in the Reminder Question text box.

    NOTE: In the event a user forgets their password, they may request that their reminder question be e-mailed to them to provide a hint as to their password. When a reminder question is entered in the user record, be sure to include an e-mail address for the user in the E-mail Address text box (see step 7, below).

  4. Enter the user’s first name, middle initial, and last name in the First Name, Initial and Last Name text boxes.
  5. Enter the mailing address for the user using the Address 1, Address 2, City, Zip and Country text boxes, and the State drop-down menu.
  6. Enter the e-mail address, telephone number(s) and fax number for the user in the E-Mail, Home Phone, FAX, Mobile Phone and Work Phone text boxes.
  7. Enter the user’s date of birth in the Date of Birth text box.
  8. If appropriate, enter any unique identifying number for the user in the Custom Number text box.
    • The Custom Number may have any combination of alphabetic (upper- or lower-case) and numeric characters, and any special characters (such as & * $ # @ , etc.). The Custom Number can be a maximum of 11 characters.
  9. If desired, enter any additional information related to the user in the Notes text box.
  10. If your library has enabled the optional “ILL Request Limits” feature (see the ILL Administration User Guide for more information), select the category to which you wish to assign the user from the Patron Category menu.
  11. If your library limits access to certain Resources based on Patron Group assignment, select the group to which you wish to assign the user from the Patron Group menu.
  12. If your library has enabled the optional “Expiration Date” feature, enter the expiration date for the user in the Expiration Date text box.
    • Enter the Expiration Date using the format “MM/DD/YYYY,” including slashes.

    NOTE: When the date entered in the Expiration Date text box is reached, the user will be prohibited from logging into the system.

  13. Select the desired status for the user from the Account Status drop-down menu, either Disable (account is inactive; user cannot log into the system) or Enable (account is active; user can log into the system).

    NOTE: The default selection for Account Status is Enable.

  14. If the user account will be used simultaneously by multiple users, select the Is an Institution checkbox.

    NOTE: The Is an Institution feature allows an authenticated user to be identified as an “institution” (a single entity that is used to validate one or more individuals affiliated with that institution).

  15. When all desired information for the user has been entered, click the Submit button to add the new user to your library’s database.
    • The status message “User (Username) added” displays.

    NOTE: If you did not include an Expiration Date for the user, an advisory dialog displays the message “No Expiration date was entered” when you submit the record. Click the OK button. You will need to edit the user record if you wish to add an Expiration Date (see Editing User Accounts for details).

    NOTE: If your library has enabled User Registration Duplicate Checking (see Configuring User Registration Duplicate Checking for details), the User Duplicate Check Results dialog displays when you submit the record. Resolve any issues detected during the duplicate check, as appropriate (see Resolving User Duplicate Check Results for details).

    NOTE: If you assigned the user to the ILL Staff, CAT Staff and/or Statistics User Type(s), a “permissions” screen displays when you submit the record. Modify ILL Permissions, CAT permissions, Authority/Translate preferences and Statistics Permissions as appropriate (see Modifying ILL Permissions, Modifying AGCat Permissions, Modifying Web HLD Permissions, Modifying CAT Admin Permissions, Modifying Translate/Authority Preferences, or Modifying Statistics Permissions as appropriate, for details).

    NOTE: For Customer SuperUsers only: If you assigned the user to the Regional SuperUser User Type, a “Select Libraries” screen displays when you submit the record. Select the libraries for which the user may perform various functions throughout the system (see Managing Regional SuperUsers for details).

    NOTE: If you assigned the user to the Patron group, it may be necessary to edit the ILL permissions for the user (see Configuring ILL Permissions for Patrons for details).

  16. Click the OK button on the status message to close the message and return to the Add a User Account screen.
  17. Repeat steps 2 through 18 to add additional users to your library’s database.

NOTE: When you add a new patron record to your library’s database, default preferences are applied to the user’s record according to the default values specified for the “generic” patron record (see Editing Preferences for “Generic” Users for details).