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Adding and Editing Funding Source Categories

You can add, edit or delete funding source categories for any fund.

To add a funding source category:

  1. From the Fund Categories screen (see Fund Categories for details), click the Edit link for the Level 1 through Level 5 fund to which you wish to add a funding source category.
    • The Funding Source Category List for the selected fund displays.

Funding Source Category List

Funding Source Category List

  1. Click the Add Category link.
    • The Add New Funding Source Fund Category screen displays in an additional browser window.

Add New Funding Source Fund Category Screen

Add New Funding Source Fund Category Screen

  1. Enter a name for the category in the Fund Category text box.
  2. Use the Active checkbox to set the status for the fund category.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the fund category is active.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates that the fund category is not active.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle the checkbox on and off.
  3. Click the Submit button to save the new fund category.
    • The Add New Funding Source Fund Category screen closes automatically, and the Funding Source Category List refreshes to display your changes.

To edit a funding source category:

  1. From the Fund Categories screen (see Fund Categories for details), click the Edit link for the Level 1 through Level 5 fund for which you wish to edit a funding source category.
    • The Funding Source Category List for the selected fund displays.
  2. Click the Fund Name for the desired funding source category.
    • The Edit Fund Category screen for the selected funding source category displays.
    • The screen is pre-filled with the current values for the fund category.
  3. Edit the Fund Category name and Active status, as desired.
  4. When all desired changes have been made, click the Submit button to save your changes.
    • The Add New Funding Source Fund Category screen closes automatically, and the Funding Source Category List refreshes to display your changes.

To delete a funding source category:

  1. From the Fund Categories screen (see Fund Categories for details), click the Edit link for the Level 1 through Level 5 fund from which you wish to delete a funding source category.
    • The Funding Source Category List for the selected fund displays.
  2. Click the Delete button for the desired funding source category.

    • A confirmation dialog displays the message “OK to delete this category?”
  3. Click the OK button to delete the fund category. (Click the Cancel button to cancel the deletion and leave the fund category unchanged.)
    • The screen refreshes with the selected fund category removed from the list.