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Chapter 9. REPORTS



Deleting Reports

You may delete any report created from your Home Location. Additionally, the system will automatically delete user-generated reports that are older than 90 days. This includes reports that complete with errors.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The system will not ask for confirmation when deleting reports. Once the deletion request is submitted, the specified reports are deleted. If you wish to keep a copy of a report selected for deletion, be sure to save a copy of the report to your local workstation before deleting the report.

NOTE: Some user-generated reports may not include a Home Location designation. Reports without a Home Location can be deleted by Customer SuperUsers only.

To delete a report:

  1. From the Acquisitions menu, select Run Reports - View Reports.
    • The View Reports screen displays.
  2. Select the Delete checkbox(es) for the report(s) you wish to delete.

    NOTE: Delete checkboxes are available only for those reports created from your Home Location. Your Home Location is established through your user record  (see the User Administration User Guide for details).

    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated report will be deleted.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated report will not be deleted.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
    • To select the checkboxes for all reports, click the Check/Uncheck All link. (Click again to deselect the checkboxes for all reports.)
  3. Click the Submit button to delete the selected report(s).
    • The View Reports screen refreshes with the selected report(s) deleted.