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Chapter 9. REPORTS



EDI Doc Report

The EDI Doc Report generates a listing that summarizes EDI messages sent from or received by the Acquisitions system during a specified time period. Separate reports may be generated for each EDI message type.

To generate an EDI Doc Report:

  1. From the Acquisitions menu, select Run ReportsEDI Report.
    • The EDI Report screen displays.

EDI Report Screen

EDI Report Screen

  1. Use the EDI Document Type radio buttons to select the document type for which you wish to generate a report; 850 PO, 855 PO Ack or 810 Invoice.
  2. Specify the desired Start Date and End Date.
    • Enter the desired Start Date and End Date using the format MM/DD/YYYY, i.e., "03/15/2014".

      NOTE: Be sure to include the slashes “/” when entering the Start Date and End Date. Do not include alphabetic characters when entering the Start Date and End Date.

      • You may also click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon next to the Start Date and End Date text boxes to select a date using the Date Entry Calendar (see the System Basic User Guide for details).
  3. Click the Submit button to submit the report request.
    • A summary of EDI messages for the specified report period displays in an additional browser window.

To view the EDI Doc Report:

Typical EDI Report

Typical EDI Report

NOTE: The content of the EDI Doc Report depends on the type of report generated; 850 PO, 855 PO Ack (Acknowledge) or 810 Invoice.

The 850 PO report provides the following information:

The 855 PO Ack report provides the following information:

The 810 Invoice report provides the following information: