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Chapter 6. RECEIVING



Finding an Order

The Find Order screen lets you search for the desired order by Order Number, Order-Item-Number, Purchase Order No., EDI-Item-ID, Quick Search of the local catalog, or Title Begins with.

To find an order:

Find Order Screen

Find Order Screen

  1. On the Find Order screen, enter your search term in the appropriate text box; Order Number, Order-Item-Number, Purchase Order No., EDI-Item-ID (EDI Only), Quick Search - Local Catalog (Keywords, Authors, ISBN, UPC) only, or Title Begins with.
    • The associated radio button is selected automatically as you enter your search term.
  2. Click the Search button or press the <Enter> key to submit your search.
    • The screen refreshes to display a list of orders that match your search criteria, with 50 orders shown per page.
    • Each line in the list shows the Order No, bibliographic information (Author and Title), the current Status of the order, the total number of items Ordered, the number of items Received to date, the number of items Cancelled, and total number of items remaining On Order.
    • Use the Prev, Next and Last links, as necessary, to locate the desired order.