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Chapter 6. RECEIVING



Receiving an Order

To receive an order:

  1. Locate the order for which you wish to receive items (see Finding an Order for details).
  2. Specify the number of items being received:
    • To receive all items for an order, select the Receive All checkbox for the order.
    • To receive fewer than all items for an order, click the Expand Order button Expand Order Button, and enter the number of items received in the Receive Now text box.
  3. When all desired items have been marked for receiving, click the Receive button.
    • The screen refreshes to display a “received confirmation” message listing the orders received.

Receive Order Confirmation Screen

Receive Order Confirmation Screen

  1. If the Enter item/barcode during receiving process option is enabled (see Acquisitions Configuration for details), click the Barcode – Assign link to display the Set Defaults for Item Conversion screen (see Setting Defaults for Item Conversion for details).

    NOTE: Once defaults for item conversion have been entered, the Barcode - Assign link changes color to provide a visual indication that Barcode processing for the associated order has been performed.

  2. You can click the Routing Slip - Print link to print a Routing Slip for the order(s), or, click the New Print All Routing Slips link to print Routing Slips for all received orders,
    • A standard Print dialog displays.
  3. Make the appropriate selections on the Print dialog, then click the OK or Print button, as applicable. (Click the Cancel button to cancel the print request.)

    NOTE: When Routing Slips are printed using the New Print All Routing Slips link, Routing Slips are printed in the order in which items were received, first to last.

    NOTE: When Routing Slips are printed, each slip is preceded with the notation “Unit (#) of (##)” where # is the sequence number of the slip, and ## is the total number of Routing Slips being printed

    NOTE: Once Routing Slips have been printed, the Routing Slip - Print or New Print All Routing Slips link changes color to provide a visual indication that printing of Routing Slips for the associated order has been performed. If desired, you can selectively reprint Routing Slips using the Receiving – Routing Slips function (see Routing Slips for details).

  4. If you determine you have received the order in error, you can “undo” receipt of the order and return the status of the order to On Order (see Undoing Receipt of an Order for details).