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Chapter 6. RECEIVING



Searching for Routing Slips

You can search for all titles received during a specified time period, or narrow your search according to specified search criteria.

To search for Routing Slips:

  1. Specify the time period you wish to search.

    NOTE: The system will return titles that were received during the specified time period.

    • To search a predefined time period:
      • Click the Today, 3 Days, 7 Days or 30 Days link, as desired.
      • The screen refreshes to display a list of all titles received during the specified time period.
    • To search a custom date range:
      • Click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon in the Date Range field to specify a “start date” and “end date” for the time period using the Date Entry Calendar (see the System Basic User Guide for details).
      • You must enter a “start date” and an “end date.” To search for titles received on a single day only, enter the same date as the “start date” and the “end date.”

        NOTE: If you do not enter a valid date range, the message “invalid date range” shows beneath the Date Range field. Click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon and specify a valid date range to continue.

      • Click the Search button.
      • The screen refreshes to display a list of all titles received during the specified date range.
  2. If desired, limit the title list according to specified search criteria:
    • Select the field you wish to search from the Search Type menu; Author, Barcode, ISBN, Order Number, Purchase Order Number or Title.
    • Enter your search term in the Search Criteria text box.

      NOTE: You may enter a complete or partial search term for Author, ISBN, Order Number, Purchase Order Number or Title searches. You must enter a complete search term for Barcode searches.

      • For Order Number or Purchase Order Number searches, the system will return titles where the specified field begins with your search term.
      • For Author, ISBN or Title searches, the system will return titles where the specified field contains your search term.
      • For Barcode searches, the system returns titles where the specified field is an exact match to your search term.
    • Click the Search button.
      • The screen refreshes to display a list of all titles received during the specified date range that match the specified search criteria.