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Chapter 5. ORDERING



Using Manual Entry

You can manually enter brief bibliographic data for the title you wish to add to the order.

To use Manual Entry:

  1. From the Order Selection screen (see Placing Orders on page 55), click the Manual Entry link.
    • The Manual Entry for Ordering screen displays.

Manual Entry for Ordering Screen

Manual Entry for Ordering Screen

  1. Enter brief bibliographic data for the title, as appropriate, in the Title, Author, ISBN, Publisher and Publication Year text boxes.
  2. Click the Submit button to add the title to the Order.

Ordering Items Screen

Ordering Items Screen

NOTE: If you do not include an ISBN in the brief bibliographic data, an advisory screen displays the message “This book has no ISBN. Continue with Order?” Click the Yes link to proceed with the order. (Click the No link to cancel the order and return to the Manual Entry for Ordering screen.