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Chapter 5. ORDERING



Completing the Order

The Ordering Items screen shows the Title, Author, ISBN number, Publisher and Pub. Year of the item, a system-generated Order Number, and the Vendor to which the order will be submitted.

NOTE: The ISBN field contains a drop-down menu listing all ISBNs associated with the item.

NOTE: The content of the Vendor field is “read only” and is determined by the selection made from the Order Selection screen (see Placing Orders for details).

NOTE: If you choose not to complete the order when it is initially created, you can access the Ordering Items screen for orders with a status of New order using the Order Edit function (see Editing Orders for details).

To complete the order:

  1. To search for existing copies of a title in other selection lists, currently on order, or in the catalog for your library and other libraries in your consortium, click the Search for ISBN Duplicates link.
    • The Duplicate Check Results screen displays in an additional browser window.

Duplicate Check Results Screen

Duplicate Check Results Screen

  1. Use the Type of Order menu to specify the desired order type; Firm Order, Standing Order, Prepaid Order, Deposit Account, Gifts/Donations, Exchange, Government Doc, Subscription Continuation, Blanket Order and Blanket Title, Credit Order or Blank Order for Invoice.
    • The default selection for Type of Order is Firm Order.
  2. If more than one ISBN is associated with the title, select the ISBN for which you wish to place the order from the ISBN menu.
  3. If desired, edit the order number prefix in the Order Number text box.
    • The default Order Number prefix is the calendar date on which the order was created; “YYYYMMDD.”
  4. Select the vendor to whom the order will be sent from the Vendor menu.
    • The Vendor menu lists all vendors defined for your library or consortium. The default value for the Vendor menu is established in Acquisitions Configuration (see Acquisitions Configuration for details).
  5. Select the method by which the order will be transmitted to the vendor from the Order Transmission Method menu; EDI X.12, Printed Letter or Email.

    NOTE: Depending on the configuration of Acquisitions for your system, some options may not be available.

  6. Select the fiscal year for which the order will be placed from the Fiscal Year menu.
    • The default value for the Fiscal Year menu is established in Acquisitions Configuration (see Acquisitions Configuration for details).
  7. Select the fund to be encumbered for the order from the Default Fund menu.
    • The Default Fund menu lists all current fund accounts for your library or consortium (see Fund Account Maintenance for details).
  8. Enter or edit pricing and discount information in the Price and Discount (if known) text boxes, as appropriate.
    • If the order will be submitted to a domestic vendor:
      • Enter the per unit price in the Price text box in “whole dollars” (i.e., 10) or “dollars and cents” (i.e., 9.95). Do not include the dollar sign “$” when entering the Price.
      • If a discount will be applied by the vendor for the item(s) being ordered, enter the discount amount (as a percentage) in the Discount (if known) text box.
    • If the order will be submitted to a foreign vendor, click the Use Foreign Currency link to perform currency conversion. The Currency Conversion screen displays in an additional browser window.

Currency Conversion Screen

Currency Conversion Screen

  • Enter the per-unit price (generally in U.S. dollars) in the Price (Native currency) text box in “whole dollars” (i.e., 10) or “dollars and cents” (i.e., 9.95). Do not include the dollar sign “$” when entering the Price (Native currency)
  • Select the appropriate foreign currency from the Currency menu. The Currency menu lists all currencies for which conversion factors have been defined (see Foreign Currency Maintenance for details).
  • The Conversion Factor for the foreign currency is updated automatically based on the Currency selection. Adjust the currency Conversion Factor as necessary.
  • Click the Compute Amount button to compute the Calculated Amount in the selected foreign Currency.
  • Click the Save and Exit button to close the Currency Conversion screen and return to the Ordering Items screen. The Ordering Items screen refreshes to display the adjusted per-unit price in the Price field.
  1. Use the Add Bibliographic Records to Catalog checkbox to indicate whether or not to add bibliographic records to the catalog for the ordered item(s).

    NOTE: The default state for the Add Bibliographic Records to Catalog checkbox is determined by the Add Records to Database – Bibliographic option in Acquisitions Configuration (see Acquisitions Configuration for details).

    • A checkmark checkmark indicates bibliographic records will be added to the catalog for ordered items.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates bibliographic records will not be added to the catalog for ordered items.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle the checkbox on and off.

    NOTE: The Add Bibliographic Records to Catalog checkbox is active only for items ordered by Manual Entry (see Using Manual Entry for details). For items ordered using the Search Verso Catalog (see Searching the Catalog for details) function, the Add Bibliographic Records to Catalog checkbox is “read only,” and shows the value specified in the Acquisitions Configuration parameters (see Acquisitions Configuration for details).

    IMPORTANT NOTE: DO NOT select the Add Bibliographic Records to Catalog checkbox when ordering an item by Manual Entry if you wish to edit bibliographic information (Title, Author, ISBN, Publisher and/or Publication Year) for the ordered item after submitting the order. Once a bibliographic record for the ordered item has been added to the catalog, you can no longer edit bibliographic information using the Edit Order function.

  2. Select the appropriate material type for the ordered items from the Material Type menu.
  3. If desired, use the Select Distribution List menu to select a distribution list for items included in the order.
    • The Select Distribution List menu lists all distribution lists configured for your library or consortium (see Branch Distribution Lists for details).
  4. The Item Detail and Funds to be Encumbered fields are initially blank. To assign Item Detail and Funds to be Encumbered values:

    NOTE: If a distribution list was selected from the Select Distribution List menu, the Item Detail field is populated with location, fund and quantity information for each branch included in the list (see Branch Distribution Lists for details).

    • Click the Assign Location, Fund and Quantity link to designate the quantity of items to be ordered, specify the item location and encumber funds.
      • The Item Detail Add/Edit screen displays in an additional browser window.

Item Detail Add/Edit Screen

Item Detail Add/Edit Screen

  1. If desired, you may add up to three internal notes to the order in the Internal Note 1 through Internal Note 3 text boxes.
  2. When all desired order information has been entered, click the Submit button. An Order Acknowledge message displays.

Order Acknowledge Screen

Order Acknowledge Screen

  1. Click the Submit button on the Order Acknowledge screen to submit the order.