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Chapter 9. REPORTS



Viewing and Downloading Reports

Reports generated within the Acquisitions module are saved to your library's Reports Directory. The View Reports option lets you view the status and specifications for requested reports, and download copies of completed reports to a local workstation for viewing. You may also choose to delete outdated reports if desired. The View Reports screen lists all reports currently in your library’s Acquisitions reports directory. Reports are listed in reverse-chronological order (newest report first).

To view report status:

  1. From the Acquisitions menu, select Run Reports - View Reports.
    • The View Reports screen displays.

View Reports Screen

View Reports Screen

  1. The View Reports screen initially lists all currently available reports (reports you or other staff members have generated) created from your Home Location.

    NOTE: Your Home Location is established through your user record (see the User Administration User Guide for details).

    • Click the View Reports under All Locations link to view a list of reports generated by all Home Locations.
      • The screen refreshes to display reports generated by all Home Locations.
    • Click the View Reports under Home Location link to return the list to only those reports created from your Home Location.
      • The screen refreshes to display only those reports created from your Home Location.
    • If desired, you can reconfigure, sort and filter table content (see the System Basic User Guide for details).
  2. The View Reports screen provides the following information for each report:
    • Name – the name of the report
    • File Name – the name of the report file (shown only for reports with a status of Completed)
      • The File Name also serves as a link to download a copy of the file to a local workstation (see Downloading Reports for details)
    • Frequency – the frequency at which the report will be generated (as specified during report setup)
    • Run Date – the date and time at which the report request was submitted
    • Status – current status of the report:
      • Scheduled to run – the report request has been received by the system, and the report is scheduled to run at the specified date/time
      • Waiting to run – in the event multiple report requests are scheduled to run at the same time, indicates that the associated report is the next report to be run
      • Running – the report is currently running and is not yet available for download
      • Completed – the report has completed running and is available for download
      • Completed with errors – the report has completed running, but errors were generated/detected; reports that have Completed with errors are not available for download
    • Specifications – a recap of the parameters specified during report setup
    • Home Location – the Home Location of the user who submitted the report request
    • Comments – in the event errors are generated/detected, this field may contain additional messages or troubleshooting information for use by Auto-Graphics Technical Services
  3. Click the File Name of a report to download the report (see Downloading Reports for details).