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Checking In a Returned Item

ILL requests for which items have been returned are shown in the Lender’s Returned status category.

To check in a returned item:

  1. Select Request Manager from the ILL Admin menu (see Using the Request Manager for details).
    • The Request Manager screen displays.
  2. Select the Returned link in the Manage Lender Requests (Status) - Action Items field.
    • The Returned Status Browse List displays.
  3. Click the Title link for the request for which you wish to check in the returned item.
    • The Full Record Display for the selected request displays.
  4. Copy or note the barcode of the retuned item in the Item Barcode (Lender) field of the Full Record Display for use during checkin. Click the Close button to close the Full Record Display.

Checkin of an item supplied through interlibrary loan in a manner similar to that for any item. See the Circulation User Guide for details.