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Organization of the User Guide

This User Guide is designed to provide an overview of the features and functions of the Circ-ILL. The User Guide is divided into seven chapters, as follows:

Chapter 1 – INTRODUCTION. This chapter provides an overview of the features and functions available through Circ-ILL, and of the scope and contents of the User Guide.

Chapter 2 – PATRON INTERLIBRARY LOAN. This chapter provides the procedures to prepare and submit Interlibrary Loan requests, as a library patron, using the ILL request Form, and to view the status of in-process ILL requests.

Chapter 3 – STAFF INTERLIBRARY LOAN. This chapter provides the procedures to prepare and submit Interlibrary Loan requests, as a library staff member, using the ILL request Form.

Chapter 4 – LENDER FUNCTIONS. This chapter provides the procedures to monitor and process interlibrary loan requests your library has received from other participant libraries as a lender.

Chapter 5 – BORROWER FUNCTIONS. This chapter provides the procedures to monitor and process interlibrary loan requests your library has submitted to other participant libraries as a borrower.

Chapter 6 – CIRCULATION FUNCTIONS. This chapter provides the procedures to manage circulation of items obtained through interlibrary loan.

Chapter 7 - ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTIONS. This chapter provides the procedures to configure Circ-ILL for your library.